Brought in 2009 on a fresh note. Fresh outfit, and a fresh mindset. With 08 behind us it's that time when the world in it's entirety makes promises to themselves to be better than they were the previous year. Me personally i only wish to have what i lack in each area of my life. I don't think that's to much to ask, do you? Didn't think so. So anyway i brought the year in with loved one's and my favorite thing in the

world besides my passion for fashion lol, PEACE OF MIND!
I must say that 08 was good to me and i wouldn't change a thing about it. Every person, place and thing i've come in contact with has helped shape who i will be in the new year. I eliminated all the dead weight in the previous year and i can say that if it wasn't for the suckers in my life i wouldn't know how to spot one out when i see one. So THANK YOU FOR THE EX RAY'S, i see right thru you dudes. Other folks in my 08 appreciation list include; Ed & Brian for riding out the on going MUSIC BUSINESS STORM, I know this is a difficult business and, I appreciate your dedication to making me a HISTORIAN! Ed we're almost at the finish line, glad you're still here to see me cross it. Each and every site/magazine & blog that published an article about the music I so honestly make for the people who want to hear real Hip Hop... just to name a few, Thank you...
South Miami for being behind me when no one else was! (Goonzville all day) Thanks to every radio station that played a GhostWridah record! Special shouts to DJ Enuff of hot 97 for making me the first artist from miami in history to get played on the biggest Hip Hop station in the U.S. without a deal. We breaking barriers now y'all!!!! To LowKey of the Beatkings for helping me create a masterpiece, the songs we made are classic and timeless brotha! To my big brother Roy J, you are one of the driving forces behind my words. Can't wait till they set you free... We have much shopping to do!!!
To Andrew Lee, Ishan & Vick, Salina Awesome, Albie Evans, LEX Promotions, Shampoo, Dee The Barber, Dro, Miami Beatwave, DJ Ideal, DJ EFX, DJ Rascal, J Cardim, PG, Wakeem (Ruff Ryders), Danny Hommel, Mr. Will, Dee from BK, Bless, Curtains, Torch, & The Rest Of The High, Paul Wall, Fish, Tee, Trav, Woop, Unc from harlem, Trell from Harlem, Q from Harlem, Franz, Jahrue, Caliba, Ant Man, & Prince. Each one of you at sometime or another played a major role in my life in 08, from my heart to yours... THANK YOU!!!
I can't and won't forget Mrs. J who put's up with my day to day BullSh#t but is my guiding light thru the darkest days :) Thanks to you ladybug!!! Most importantly the supreme being which proves his existence with every breath I take, GOD! Thank you Lord for another year to push for what I believe in. If I left anyone out don't take it personal, if we are family a blog shouldn't come between us! I'm gone good people... Thanks for reading